Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On the way

(All that is written happened 2 days ago.)

Right now I'm sitting in the Japan airport. They can't pronounce their L's. So instead of Manila they say Manira. The Japanese alphabet doesn't have an L. That's weird.

Everyone in the Philippines has a nickname. My mom is leaning towards L mac. Right now I'm thinking about Zi or Lizzie. But I'm known as Lizzie in the States and now it seems like that's my "real" name now. Like on a pure-bred dog's name thingy.

My mama-san and I have been awake for since 4 in the morning. We have been awake with no night for like 23 hours. The flight from Chicago to Tokyo was about 13 hours. But we had seat back movie things to occupy our time. I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. Plus, I dozed off at least 10 times. Only to have one eye sleeping and the other trying to open over and over. We were served food 3 times. I had Chicken and Rice, then they gave us sandwiches (for the record, I hate sandwiches) but I only ate the mint, and the KitKat Bar, and my mom's mint and her KitKat Bar. Then there is the third meal. I had a pizza and fruit. I ate half the pizza and all the fruit.

We met a dude from Canada. He has been all over. He gave us the name of some good Philippino restaurants. He loves Juicy Fruit. I guess he's pretty cool.

I got 84 yen. Its really cool. I have to save some up for one of those happy cats. They are REALLY cute, they're wearing kimonos and are swaying back and forth. I can't wait for my dad to see them. I also saw some manga. They were in Japanese. The author of Naruto was talking about Doremon in his manga and ow he was sopposed to be drawn. I see his way was right. Doremon is the cutest robot cat thingy ever that I've seen. Yeah. Sayonara!

Lizzie 0_o


  1. Lizzie, you are my favorite.

  2. Hey Zi,

    Thanks for the airport post. Look at you, with the Juicy Fruit Canadian and a bunch of yen. What's a happy cat? (I know, I'm so out of it, word up, can you stand it?)

    Looking forward to updates on the liZards. When you sleep, is there a mosquito net around your bed? Like in that Mel (no relation, thank me stars) Gibson movie?


  3. Thanks for the post, Z. I'd been waiting to hear from you.

    I'm with "word up"--I'm down with the lizards. Maybe they can kind of be like your pets? OK, maybe not...

